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Among more than 100,000 different kinds of fungi, there is a small group living under natural conditions in symbiosis with plant roots.

This co-existence to the mutual advantage is called Mykorrhiza (Frank, in 1885).

About 85% of all examined botanical species are infectable by the ubiquitär seeming Mykorrhiza fungus.


From the mykorrhized root, extremely thin fungus threads (Hyphen) expand into the ground and cause the root surface to enlarge up to a thousand times.

The so enlarged surface between fungus and plant leads to an extremely favorable water-   and nutrient exchange. The fungus improves the supply of nutrients and water supply for the plant.

Positive by-product is, that ground nutrients or water, otherwise not available for the plants, are utilized. (The reduction of the irrigation and the fertilization is therefore possible).  


Among the numerous positive effects for the plant are:

Increased growth, increased returns, improvement of stress resistance, e.g., against illness cause, pests etc.

(In exchange from the plant, the fungus receives carbo-hydrates (sugar) which are needed for its growth, but cannot produced by the fungus.


Agricultural value of the product;


The Inokulation of cultivated plants with Mykorrhiza fungi leads to numerous positive effects.

There are hundreds of scientific reports confirming the positive effect of Mykorrhiza fungi.


For more information please contact our Dubai office.

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